Saturday, October 01, 2005

Another typhoon!

Seems the only exciting things in my life are typhoons at the moment! Taiwan is somewhere under that mass of swirling cloud.

In other news, the management thing is going alright, a little hectic, but I think I'm managing so far. Once I get a little more organized, then I think that I'll get my head around it.

Talk to you guys soon!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Beaching it!

Hello all,

It's been at least 7 or 8 hours since my last post, but I wanted to post some photos of my trip to the beach two weekends ago. It was Lulu's University reunion, so I spent much of my time in the dark trying to listen in on Chinese conversation about all their old inside jokes. It was slow until I got into the water, then as you can see it was awesome!

Oh, and if you want to see some awesome pics of my buddy Aaron's trip across Canada, check them out here.

Cheers guys, I hope you enjoy.

Management What?

So, I've been asked to be a manager at my company (Columbia Consulting Company) , and after much deliberation, I've agreed to do it. I was a bit nervous about becoming a manager because in the short time I've been here, I've seen it destroy a few people and when asked to take it, it was soldto me in a way that was meant to scare people off. Things like 'the pay increase is not substantial', 'the worst part of this job is......', 'you may lose some friends' etc. Even after adding those things up and talking to friends and family alike, I've decided to take it. Why you might ask? Well, I think I'm up for a challenge and my management team is very talented. The person's who's shoes I'll be filling was well respected and very good at his job. I'll be looking forward to learning from him.

One of my new tasks will be to maintain and update a new recruiting website that we've started to find to consultants and employees, plus we're trying to make it more than just that. It's just started, but hopefully it'll grow into something impressive. Check out The Taiwan Recruit
There's still some kinks to work out and I'm just testing things, but any feedback would be appreciated. I've also got all kinds of other new responsibilities, but that's the most interesting.

Hope things are going well.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Another one!

So, I survived the last typhoon. I was going to post a bunch of photos of the devastation ie trees and signs blown down, but then I saw what happened from Katrina and I decided that it just didn't compare. So there's another typhoon coming this way and hopefully it won't be that big! It doesn't look as bad as the last time.

Enjoy and I hope everyone is holding in there back home and anywhere else.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Typhoon Talim

Here's an image of the typhoon that's headed this way. Just thought you'd like to see.

River Tracing

Here's some of my pics from river tracing on the weekend. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's kinda like hiking up a river full of rapids and waterfalls. Enjoy.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Stupid Rain and Lulu's Birthday

Yesterday was Lulu's birthday. We didn't do much, we went out for spicy hot pot with her co-workers and then just came home and hung out. We were pretty tired when we got home.

Today I'm taking her to the spa for her birthday present and then I'm going to hang out with Croy since he's leaving tomorrow. Nothing too exciting, but we are going to shop for bad taste clothes to out to a party tonight.


Thursday, August 04, 2005

Aren't I a charming devil. Posted by Picasa

Dirk barbecueing. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Baseball Game

Left: The whole crew enjoying the game.
Right: Croyden enjoying his giant hand.

Me and Lu

Lulu and I playing with our new camera.

Check out the unit on that guy!

Tony in pink jumpsuit. I think it really suits him!

So I decided to start a blog...

What's up? I decided to start a blog since I've been hearing so much about it and didn't really have any clue as to what it was about. That and my friend Jen started one, so I couldn't let her have all the fun!

What's new in my life, well, I went to a Taiwanese league baseball game the other day. That was a lot more fun than a North American game, let me tell you. Each teams fans have their own cheers and they take turns cheering at different times and stuff. It was funny.

Also, there's another typhoon rolling through today. This one is hitting head on like the last one, so it's a little less severe. For those of you that don't know we got hit with a big mutha of a typhoon a few weeks ago and it did some damage. Nothing like the one last year that blew out my bedroom window, but bad nonetheless.

Anyways, if you have anything to add or want to say, feel free to post anything you want!

Have fun.
