Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Management What?

So, I've been asked to be a manager at my company (Columbia Consulting Company) , and after much deliberation, I've agreed to do it. I was a bit nervous about becoming a manager because in the short time I've been here, I've seen it destroy a few people and when asked to take it, it was soldto me in a way that was meant to scare people off. Things like 'the pay increase is not substantial', 'the worst part of this job is......', 'you may lose some friends' etc. Even after adding those things up and talking to friends and family alike, I've decided to take it. Why you might ask? Well, I think I'm up for a challenge and my management team is very talented. The person's who's shoes I'll be filling was well respected and very good at his job. I'll be looking forward to learning from him.

One of my new tasks will be to maintain and update a new recruiting website that we've started to find to consultants and employees, plus we're trying to make it more than just that. It's just started, but hopefully it'll grow into something impressive. Check out The Taiwan Recruit
There's still some kinks to work out and I'm just testing things, but any feedback would be appreciated. I've also got all kinds of other new responsibilities, but that's the most interesting.

Hope things are going well.


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